Tanah Merah Ferry
Direct to Desaru!
Prefer no-frills airline tickets? Try this global airline ticketing portal for no-nonsense budget tickets that take you to your destination fast, yet without breaking the bank

Save Time! Pay Less! Travel more!

If your plans include flying back home after your holiday in Malaysia, then have a look at below meta search engine and ticketing platform. Tickets have been getting pretty expensive lately, but this pretty new aviation portal has found a way to keep pricing honest. How? By searching for tickets that are no-frills and no-nonsense.

So if you're fine with just flying from A to B, without a blankie the size of a hankie or a "hot" meal that tastes of soggy paper, then these tickets may be right up your alley.

All ticket queries can be automatically sorted, with the cheapest tickets at the top. In other words, you can make your final choice on the basis of price, airline or route.

Found a ticket to your liking and you want to book it on the spot? No worries. This system offers a number of payment options.

The best part? Your booking is confirmed instantly and all itinerary details are sent to your email address.

Have a good one.

Or book direct from Sky Scanner

More details about booking your plane tickets? Let us know here.
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NOTE: Booking your bus/coach tickets online is recommended.